Melanie Spring

When Sloane approached me with the prospect of coaching, I was really unsure. Few people can scare an Approachable Badass and she’s one of those people. Not because she’s scary, but because going “there” felt intense – and it was – yet I also knew there was so much more possible for me in life and business. What a ride! In the time we’ve worked together, I’ve reorganized my business so it’s in full alignment with who I’ve become, I’ve magnified my impact in the world (and it started in a pretty powerful place) with the humans I want to work with, I’ve more than doubled my revenue (and counting!), and most importantly, I’m fulfilled and happy. The most fulfilled I’ve ever been in my life and work. We all need someone a few steps ahead of us to remind us who we can become. Sloane has been that human for me – a mentor, a guide, a coach who believed in me. I’m glad I was a full yes – I’m no longer scared of her or this woman I’m continually becoming.


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