
Your Next


Up to this moment

Your key has been your mastered ability to envision and manifest success.

You’ve done “the work” – moved through (a lot of) your major healing and life challenges, and developed a heightened awareness.

You’ve made quantum leaps and know how to create powerfully in the 3D physical world.

You are now creating at a new level, with a focus on your legacy success.

And…what if you get to do it with more ease than you’ve ever experienced?

The truth is, creating with ease may challenge you more than being busy.

The experiences we’ve created for you are designed to take you directly into that challenge, while you practice and explore pleasure throughout this expansion. You will be lovingly guided to see your now-subtle growth edges with more depth and clarity – so you can release what’s dimming your full self-expression and power. And know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are aligned with your purpose path and creating the legacy level success you know is possible for you.

If this is speaking to you, I invite you to explore our highly curated mastermind and retreats designed with love to guide your next expansion.

It might just be your biggest, most daring adventure yet.

With love,


Why The Real Sloane

I’ve dedicated my life to being a living and breathing experiment and example of what it means to be a woman living her fullest potential.

As part of that commitment, I’m sharing the real behind it all, including raw and honest self-reflection – whether we’re interacting on social, we’re working together privately, or you’re attending one of my retreats.

I choose this level of raw transparency, so the women who work with me can expand with more ease and more quickly.

You know how it can be easier to see something in you when you’re looking at someone else?

My intention is for you to deeply enjoy your growth journey, knowing you can use elements of my journey to reflect on your own and knowing that I’m guiding you on a path I’ve walked in my own life. When we walk together, we evolve individually and in our friendship, amplifying and accelerating the journey.

In my world, you are deeply supported, AND you move in sovereignty right alongside.

Together, we rise.

Ways to Work With Sloane

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Plant Medicine

A true peak experience for brave warriors of the heart - plant medicine is a powerful tool to facilitate rapid expansion, growth and healing and to access the heights of creativity.
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Plant Medicine

A true peak experience for brave warriors of the heart - plant medicine is a powerful tool to facilitate rapid expansion, growth and healing and to access the heights of creativity. After over a decade of using plant medicine as a potent complement to other forms of consciousness work myself, I’ve also supported my clients in the integration of their own journeys. If you’re feeling the call to work with plant medicine, I’m happy to share details and support your most aligned journey. Click below to learn more.
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Beyond the Edge Retreat

Beyond the Edge is a fully individualized, transformative experience that guides you to identify with your true power in your business, relationships, and yourself.
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The Wild Visionary CEO (Mastermind & Africa Adventure)

A 9-month mastermind to step into your next-level as the Visionary CEO. Imagine refining your team, elegantly delegating...
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The Wild Visionary CEO (Mastermind & Africa Adventure)

A 9-month mastermind to step into your next-level as the Visionary CEO. Imagine refining your team, elegantly delegating and creating freedom in your business - from a place of ease and nourishment with powerful women doing the same. The journey culminates in a highly curated, expansive adventure in Africa. If you are ready to be the visionary of your company, join me for a great life adventure.
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