Beyond The Edge


Where You Come to Experience
Your Next Expansion

February 23-26, 2023

Northern California

Are you ready to access
your next-level success?

Do you feel like the old way of doing things is no longer working for you?

Like you’ve outgrown the process that created the success you have so far?

And you know that there’s a better way.

Beyond the Edge is unlike any other retreat. It’s a transformative, peak experience that changes your perspective of self – shows you a new way – and as a result,

accelerates your next up-level.


You arrive and shed your identity, often for the first time in your life. No last name, no phone or email, no sharing what you do for business – no tether to your current reality.

And you are
guided to explore….

Beyond the Edge is an accelerated path to unlocking the next-level success that you are ready to create and manifest, with ease.

It’s why women who attend Beyond the Edge, walk away with life-changing ripple effects. Here are the results our clients commonly experience, and what is available to you:

What Happens
at Beyond the Edge

For the woman who doesn’t have the time to take away, but chooses to anyway.

*Most aspects of the retreat remain undisclosed so you can experience yourself completely in the present moment, without expectation. All experiences are designed for your highest evolution.

Beyond the Edge is life changing for every woman who attends because of the level of reflection, clarity and insight you receive.

What makes this life-changing shift possible?

For one, the intimate setting is consciously curated to create space. Being away from your daily environment and influences for four days – without contact with the outside world – initiates a new perspective and an opening for your highest inspiration.

From that spaciousness, you explore your inner world while being masterfully (and gently) guided through your blindspots. Together, we uncover any points of friction between you and your next evolution.

To add even more to this experience – you share it with other powerful women dedicated to their growth and expansion. Hearing their stories and reflections will spark a deep sense of clarity and new awareness. You’ll find that sometimes it’s easier to recognize something in yourself when you see it in someone else.

Lastly, and importantly – we infuse the experience with pleasure and play to round out your transformative journey with delightful surprises you won’t forget.

Everything is designed for an even higher connection with your inner Knowing so you can leave and take action from that place.

Who Attends
Beyond the Edge

The women who attend are successful, powerful and know who they are. They are accomplished women leading established companies and executive women – they are all making an impact.

And…they are ready for their next expansion.

Whether you are ready to …

We bring your highest future
vision into the Now, with ease.

This is Beyond the Edge.

Join us for the next
Beyond the Edge Retreat
December 1-4, 2022.
Northern California

Join us for the next
Beyond the Edge Retreat

Praise for Beyond
the Edge Retreat

Ready to go Beyond the Edge?

December 1-4, 2022
Northern California

Thank you for your interest in working together. Please complete the form below for further details and to explore whether one of our offerings is right for you. 


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